The Radiant Mission
The Radiant Mission
42. Pharmakeia: Symbolism, Mythology, and the Nephilim
The Radiant Mission Podcast | Episode 42
Host: Rebecca Twomey @theradiantmission
Co-Host: Rachel Smith @rachelsmithsmith
Thank you for listening to The Radiant Mission podcast! We are on a mission to encourage and inspire you on your walk with Christ and as you journey through life.
In Episode 42 we continue to discuss Pharmakeia from a Biblical perspective including symbolism, mythology and the Nephilim. As we’re entering the End Times and deception is more and more prevalent, we feel convicted to speak up about topics like this one.
DISCLAIMER: The information in this episode is NOT medical advice.
In This Episode:
- The symbolism of Pharmakeia that is presented to us even today in the medical world. There is a popular symbol of medicine used today called the caduceus.
- It is a staff with two snakes coiled around it, is the official insignia of the United States Medical Corps, Navy Pharmacy Division, and the Public Health Service. The caduceus is also the magic wand carried by Hermes (the Romans knew him as Mercury), the messenger of the gods.
- So, the emblem of Western medicine is rooted in serpent worship? Who do we think came up with this idea? Sounds like something the serpent himself would’ve come up with, no?
- Satan is an imitator. He has created nothing and wants nothing more than to ruin God’s beautiful creation. What better way to do this than through pharmakeia, aka sorcery, aka modern-day pharmaceuticals?
- If the Lord created herbs, plants, animals, the sun, and positive relationships to help heal us, it only makes sense to me that the enemy would attack those things.
- Why use an herb or a plant when the enemy places a shiny pill in front of you to “solve your problems?” It’s the illusion of healing in front of us, when the truth is that these pharmaceuticals were designed to keep us entrapped in the medical system, dependent on it, in its cycle.
- Mythology references.
- Listen back to episodes 3-6 on spiritual warfare and Genesis 6 for context on the Nephilim.
- Said briefly, the Greek gods were likely not a “myth.” They were likely the offspring of the fallen angels.
- So, who is Asclepius? He was the god of medicine, healing, rejuvenation, and physicians. In depictions of Asclepius, he is shown with a staff with a coiled snake. To the Greeks, snakes were sacred beings of wisdom, healing, and resurrection.
- The point in mentioning this symbolism is to emphasize the roots of pharmakeia and where it began, and the fact that it’s still very much the same today. The Bible tells us to stay away from sorcery, which is also something the Nephilim are known for creating.
- The Bible clearly says in Revelation that during the end times ALL the nations will be deceived by the whore of Great Babylon with her sorceries. Sorcery is Greek word for Pharmakeia. Pharmakeia is connected with administering drugs, poisons, sorcery, magic arts, deception, and idolatry.
- And what’s going on in our world today? The medical industry has been deeply infiltrated and controlled by evil sorcere
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