The Radiant Mission

Celebrating 100 Episodes: Parenting Joys, Vaccine Truths, and Holistic Health Journeys

Rebecca Twomey

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Parenting can be a delightful chaos, and nobody captures it better than Rachel, who joins us to celebrate our 100th episode of the Radiant Mission Podcast! With three energetic boys keeping her on her toes, Rachel’s anecdotes about her youngest, Haven, will warm your heart and make you laugh out loud. From managing screen time and marveling at toddler discoveries to the joyful milestones of early speech, this episode is a testament to the everyday miracles that come with raising young children.

Ever wondered why our most popular episodes revolve around childhood vaccines? We revisit these heated discussions, especially our top episode "Injecting Truth: A Deep Dive into Childhood Vaccines," featuring our insightful guest, Angela. Tackling controversial topics head-on, we explore the freedom that podcasting provides to question scientific studies and their funding sources, a dialogue that has become even more critical since 2020. This episode is a compelling reminder of the importance of open, unfiltered conversations.

Finally, we venture into the world of alternative health practices, drawing wisdom from our episodes with Dr. Vaughn on natural medicine and holistic health approaches. Reflecting on our own transformative experiences—from spiritual awakenings to recognizing the flaws in the medical system—we share our journey that led to the creation of this podcast. From testimonies and biblical themes to women's health and birth stories, we cover it all, expressing our excitement for future topics and heartfelt gratitude to our guests and listeners who have been part of this radiant mission.

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Speaker 1:

Hello and welcome to the Radiant Mission Podcast. My name is Rebecca Toomey and I am here with my lovely co-host, rachel Smith. Hey guys, we are on a mission to encourage and inspire you as you're navigating through your life and with your relationship with Yahweh, and we are very excited and proud to announce that we have reached 100 episodes.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

You got 100 episodes and you gotta like play like a sound like exactly yeah, I scraped rachel uh off of the covers for this one she's here.

Speaker 2:

We got her. I'm back for episode 100. She's back for episode 100.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, she's back for episode 100. Yeah, life's been a little busy for you eh, yeah, yeah, it's been crazy. How's three boys? Three boys is one more than two, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, it's nuts, but it's good it's summertime. It's weird because we do, even though we homeschool, we take off in the summer, but it somehow feels like like crazier, I guess just because I have to find new stuff to fill their time. And also I've been on this kick lately of like no screen, yeah, so like the kids are just always bouncing off the walls and then you know I have a. How old is haven? Now what is he? 13?

Speaker 1:

months, 14 months. He's got to be older than that. Brit is 13 months.

Speaker 2:

I don't count months anymore until it's yeah, until it's like 18 months. I forget the months, but he's over one and he is busy and into everything and attached to me by the hips so I Attached to you and tubes of toothpaste. He's the weirdest little baby. It's so funny when you have multiple kids. You know, it's not that you compare them, but you're like, oh, you know, my first did that or the other ones never did this and he is so different. But I think it's also because he just has a totally different experience, because he's like yeah, the little baby family and we only have or you know, there's such a big age gap like they.

Speaker 2:

they really had their experience growing up with together and, uh, he's, he's got these big big brothers, but it's, it's cute and it's fun, and so it is so cute to see them growing and the things that they pick up on and are interested in.

Speaker 1:

I always laugh when I see pictures and videos of him with his toothpaste tubes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, and he I have said I don't know if you remember this, but when he was like two months old that I felt like he was crazy smart and it's cool to see their personality start to develop more and more.

Speaker 2:

And, as you know, because you have toddlers, it really kind of blows up once they're over two but you get a little picture of things once they're over one. But he is so smart, like on a level that I've never experienced, like I feel like he's going to be speaking in sentences soon. He just started in the past few weeks doing this babbling thing and you can tell he's doing inflections. It sounds like what he's doing is what we sound like to him, because they can't really speak English yet until they learn to fully talk. So it's just wild the things that he understands. And he already is walking around the house, he finds pens or markers and then he goes and finds a piece of paper because there's constantly trash all over my house from my older kids and then he takes the paper, sets it down on the floor in front of him and starts trying to draw with a pen. And these are the things that I mean when I say like I don't remember the older ones ever doing this at one, but maybe when they were three.

Speaker 1:

It is funny, the things that they pick up on brin. Just today brooke had her a hairbrush and brin took the hairbrush and was trying to brush her hair and I thought that that was so funny, that a little baby you know she just turned one that she would note that that's what the hairbrush is for and to try to brush her hair. I just they're so cute though I know that that's.

Speaker 2:

this is one of my favorite ages, because you really start seeing them discovering the world, yeah, and you know just things like that that they clearly, like, made the connection of what something is, and I always, always, until Haven, the newborn stage was always my favorite, and then he went to Haven for the hardest newborn to ever exist.

Speaker 2:

But lately I've really been thinking that I just love this age Pretty much before the two start, age pretty much before the two start, like between one and two. It's just they're discovering so many things and they're kind of getting into tantrums, but not totally defiant, so it's just really fun and I love seeing them discover the world.

Speaker 1:

Definitely Bryn just started saying yeah and yes, and I love that. Discover the world. Definitely Brynn just started saying yeah and yes, and I love that she's not saying no that she can only say yeah.

Speaker 2:

Normally it's no, that comes first. So everything is yeah. So I'll say do you want this sugar?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's so cute. I love that she's just saying yeah, because Ben, who's two? He only says no. No, I'm just kidding, but mostly and we've always joked that Bryn is going to talk before him because he doesn't talk that much. He can say a lot of single words and now he's starting to say more multiple words, but he prefers to not talk, to not talk. And it's funny that you said what you did about inflections, because now he's practicing saying yes, please. When he wants something, I say you have to say yes, please, and he goes like he doesn't even say it. Sometimes he could say yes and he could say please, but he'll just go it reminds me, no, thank you.

Speaker 2:

It reminds me of that office quote with Kevin when he's like, why say lot word? Yeah, that's exactly Do trick.

Speaker 1:

That's exactly Ben. In a nutshell, he's like a little caveman. That's what we always say. He'd rather grunt, then actually speak to you, which is hilarious, and he'd rather go no, then say anything. So we're working on that. We're working on that.

Speaker 2:

It's been challenging around here, but we're getting there well, every, not only is every kid different, but it's not even always just about boys and girls, but just that time at two, like you know, you and I talk about off the podcast, two is brutal more often than not. I mean, I think some people have two-year-olds that you know aren't that tough, but it's just the next stage of them discovering their world. They're now discovering boundaries and what they can push back on.

Speaker 1:

It's funny how different they all are, because Mike and I thought that people were exaggerating about two because Brooke was such a good two-year-old.

Speaker 1:

She was so good until she got closer to three and that's when it started to come out Like the defiance part and, not wanting to go to sleep, she stopped napping all that kind of stuff and that's when it started to become a challenge. But we made it through most of two before that stuff started to pop up. So we were like what are you talking about? Two where with Ben it started a lot earlier. It was right before right when he turned two.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

So it's. It is interesting how different kids are and just how it shows up in different ways.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I think too, because he's not as verbal as she was. She was, I mean full sentences. By I mean 18 months or before. I actually went back to watch videos of her at the same age as Ben recently, maybe a month ago Because I you know how, as you, as time goes by, you forget things, and you and I talk about this all the time with like parents of adult children, and how they don't remember things the same way that they happen.

Speaker 1:

They only remember the good things, they only remember the good things and so I'm like I want to make sure that what I remember about her is true. So I counted the days of how old Ben is, and then I counted the days of how old Brooke was, and I went back in my phone and you know, back then I used to take videos every single day.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I found a video from the same day, so she would have been the exact same age. She was sitting at the piano playing the piano. Now, granted, she wasn't playing the right keys, but she was playing the piano and singing a song like the full song.

Speaker 1:

I think it was mr sun, please shine down on me and I just was like this is crazy, how different the two kids are. It's not to say you know, one is better and whatever, it's just to say they're very different, where he is much more physical and to see his mind work is very different than the way that she operates. So just interesting parenting things.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I feel like that's boys.

Speaker 1:

Now I do want to give our listeners kind of a synopsis of what we want to talk about.

Speaker 1:

Oh, sorry Of what we want to talk about today. But just for those listening, if this is your first time, this is a fun one, because we are actually going to be doing a recap today of all that we've covered on the podcast and just kind of talk a little bit about some of our favorite episodes, what our most popular episodes are, and just give you a breakdown of what we have done. There are so many people that reach out to us because they're like, oh, I heard this episode, this was great. And then we get to talking and it's like oh, we have an episode on that, and we have an episode on that, and we have an episode on that. So if this is your first time, this is actually a good episode to listen to, because we're going to break down what we've talked about and then I want to share at the end what we're going to get into a little bit and kind of where our hearts are on some of the topics that we want to cover coming up that we haven't covered yet.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so question, okay, so question. Which episode? This is a pop quiz. Which episode do you think has been the most listened to episode on this podcast? And Rachel does not know the answer to this because she doesn't have a login to the backend of our podcast, so she wouldn't know the answer. What is your guess?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I have a pretty good idea. I'm kind of between two, okay, but I'm going to go with our Dr Stu episode.

Speaker 1:

You think that that is the number one most listened to episode.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the first Dr Stu one, because we had two Wrong. Can I have a second guess? I have a second guess. Yes, okay, my second guess, which it was the first one I thought of, but I really thought that the Dr Sewell would have been more popular. Second guess is our spiritual warfare episode Ain't wrong? Oh, but I have no idea idea.

Speaker 1:

Our most listened to episode is injecting truth a deep dive into childhood vaccines. Oh wow, most listened to episode 441 downloads.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Yeah, isn't that wild.

Speaker 2:

That was a great episode.

Speaker 1:

Number two most listened to episode unveiling the dark side of the vaccine industry ingredients, health risks and ethical concerns. Number three is Dr Stu's episode, part one, understanding birth with Dr Stu, so he was in the top three. Number four exposing the controversial truths the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. Number five intro to spiritual warfare, the Holy Spirit and falling from faith.

Speaker 2:

That is honestly surprising to me, because I remember those vaccine episodes were one of the ones I was most nervous to do. Like, I don't like talking about that a lot on social media. I know you talk about it a lot on social media and I will sometimes, and there was a point in time where I did, but I would get some pretty tough messages and I just don't like debating people, pretty tough messages and I just don't like debating people. But that is a cool thing about being on a podcast is we can talk about whatever we want. Yeah, that's true, and you and I aren't here to debate each other. Yeah, and we're going to.

Speaker 1:

we're going to sharing information.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're going to talk about the things from our perspective that we have learned through our life experience and we had great guests on.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, angela is awesome. Yes, and her handle, by the way, is injecting truth is one of her profiles. I will say, and you're right, I do share content about vaccines on the Radiant Mission Instagram page. I get suppressed when I share content from Angela, when I I will share stories and I'll get lots and lots of people that watch my stories the minute that I share something from her page which she has hundreds, multiple thousands of followers, like many followers she has. She might even have a hundred thousand followers, but for whatever reason, when I share her content, I am suppressed and it's shrunk down. It's like maybe 40 people see it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I noticed that too back when I shared more stuff. It is interesting. I mean, I don't care, but it is also. I think it's one of the reasons, maima, I'm so surprised that those are our most listened to episodes of the podcast. But that is the thing with having a podcast platform is you can't really be suppressed in the same at least not yet, hopefully, suppressed in the same way as social media. You know people who are subscribed to our podcasts. They can choose to listen to what episodes they want or not. Or I would like to think too, that people have been listening into those episodes because they're interested in those topics.

Speaker 2:

I know that information that ang Angela shared is so invaluable. I was looking for stuff like that when I was pregnant with my first and I couldn't find it. I just didn't have access to information like that. So that's the really cool thing about being a part of this radiant mission is being able to be a platform for these topics that have come up in our motherhood experience, that are hard, and that we can just share things that we've learned along the way and and you know, people can disagree with conclusions we have come to or the information we've shared, and that's totally fine. Just don't come to us in our DMs about it.

Speaker 1:

Angela's other profile, by the way, is faithful underscore, free underscore mama, M-O-M-M-A. For anyone that's looking for her, definitely go follow her and follow her content, because she's posting the real stuff Like she's out here doing the Lord's work I'm not even kidding. She's literally posting the truth about ingredients studies. The stuff that she posts is very important if you are researching anything to do with these jabs, and I have a feeling a lot of the reason why people have listened to those episodes is because she is referring those episodes on her page. She's speaking to it, so maybe someone's listening to this episode today because of Angela's page and they've come here to listen to the show. So that's awesome. But definitely go listen to those episodes if you haven't, because they're the most listened to, they're the most popular, and there's a reason why People want to know this information and they want to know more the truth behind it, and I think a lot of people have also woken up to what is going on in the world since 2020. You know, 2020 has shaken a lot of people awake to question and to say what are we really doing to our bodies? I actually posted a reel recently that said something to the effect of you know I want to see this study. Where's this study? And that's how people are about everything Like where's the study? Show me the study. So much so to the point that it just proves that science has become this religion that people follow, because they're gonna believe a study without looking into who funded that study. Who was the study funded by? Was it funded by the very pharmaceutical company that's putting out said drug, or whatever the product is?

Speaker 1:

And I mentioned in my caption when I shared that video that y'all have to get the book Merchants of Doubt. It explains how this works. It makes it easy to understand how we can be so easily duped into things. One of the specifics that it talks about is cigarettes and the cigarette industry and how, when cigarettes came out, they realized oh my gosh, cigarettes are killing people, and so they funded their own studies to try to show people that. Oh no, it's okay.

Speaker 1:

And what they did is created doubt in the minds of their buyers, and all it took was a little bit of doubt to keep them on the market. And that's the same tactic that the pharmaceutical industry uses. Is, if you just create a little bit of doubt, if there's just a little bit of fact check a little bit of misinformation. That's enough for people to believe that everything is okay. That's just enough for people to think well, this does have monkey kidney cells in it and aborted fetal cells, but those are from aborted babies from like 1965. And it does have the virus in it, but it's dead right. So that's okay for us to inject inside of us. You just create a little bit of doubt and that's all it takes for people to think that things are going to be okay. I'm going to refer back to another episode we did with Dr Vaughn. We did a whole series. I believe it was about five episodes. I'll go, we'll give you guys kind of-.

Speaker 2:

Those were great episodes.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, those were great episodes. He talked about a couple of different topics during that series. Let me go to those episodes, but one of the things that he said to me that really stuck out and I'm going to butcher this because I don't remember his exact words but he said something to the effect of you know, do you really think that God created this beautiful earth with all? He created all the animals and the plants and everything that he created Two people, adam and Eve, and he put them in this beautiful garden. And then he put a man in a lab coat in the corner making vials of vaccines to give to Adam and Eve to keep them alive. Right, like, come on. There are trillions of viruses, there's bacterias, fungi, mold, there's all kinds of stuff around us, yet they make select vaccines. Those are the ones you're going to get shot up with. But what about all the rest of the stuff, of the stuff? So you're just going to be protected about the things that they want you to be protected from. That, in and of itself, is a question.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, absolutely. And when the reality is and I think this is kind of one of the driving messages of our entire podcast podcasts is God created our bodies in an amazing way. He created us to heal, he created us to give birth as women and only women he created us to heal Exactly To heal and to grow and to be healthy.

Speaker 2:

He created us to be healthy and that's what our bodies want to do and, of course, because of sin and death being a part of the world, there is going to be sickness and brokenness that we've shared infertility series, my own infertility journey, nutrition and health. We've done a lot of really great topics like that and the message behind it all is like even in this broken world and these broken bodies, God still has created our bodies in an amazing way to overcome these things.

Speaker 1:

He has, and we're also not promised anything, right Like we're not promised life. And that's something that I think we are promised life eternal life, Well life eternally, but not here on this earth. Right.

Speaker 2:

We're not promised even a single another day on this earth, in these flesh tents that we're in. I love when you say that, I know, I know you do. We're decaying. We are decaying, but our bodies still are capable of so much more without the intervention of pharmaceuticals, and that's why that's been a big topic that we've kind of hit here and there, that we've done episodes on pharmakia. I liked those.

Speaker 1:

Those were cool too those were cool too, because it's really easy to get wrapped up in medicine and the medical world because of what it can offer. It offers this like oh, I can heal, in the sense that I can live longer, I can get a heart transplant or a kidney transplant or all of these different things that the medical system offers. It offers the big stuff, like that. But then it's also like, oh well, we can cure your depression, and we can. You don't want to have babies, here's a little pill for that. And we get sucked into all of the different modalities of the medical system. And, yes, you and I wanted to dig into that to talk about that. And so let me go ahead and give some episode numbers for folks to reference. We mentioned Dr Vaughn. He did episodes 46 through 49. So he did five episodes or is that four, something like that. So he talks about natural medicine and iridology and how to find root cause of your chronic health issues. He talks about partnering with God in our health. He also talked about understanding and how to heal allergies. So if you have seasonal or food allergies, listen to episode 48, because that episode literally he spells out how to heal allergies and he healed his own allergies. He also recommended a product in that episode that healed my seasonal allergies and I only had to take it for like a couple of days. So definitely listen to that one. Then episode 49 is another like, put a pin in it, save it, listen to it forever and ever for anyone who's a mom or wants to not be sick. He talks about the immune system, how to treat a fever, how to treat stomach bugs and how to just handle it when your kids are sick, and he literally just breaks it all down in that one. So that's definitely one to listen to. Now I'll go back because we did talk about pharmakia right before that. So in episodes 41, 42, and 43, you and I got into an introduction to pharmakia. We talked about biblical context and the etymology of the word pharmakia in the Bible. And then in 42, we get more into that, talking about symbolism, mythology and the Nephilim, and then in 43, rockefeller and the history of what western medicine. So we really get into the meat of this.

Speaker 1:

And you know, I kind of share my opinion about how I think that the enemy has infiltrated our medical system. And you know, again, it's not to say that there are bad actors in the medical system. I have a lot of friends that are nurses and doctors that want to genuinely help people, but the system itself is broken, and so this is not a knock on anyone who's in health care. This is just a like hey, dig into the roots of this and, you know, get a little bit deeper into how things have changed and how medicine is practiced today and how the system keeps us sick because it keeps you in a cycle. You're a customer and they want to keep you in it. Healing you is not going to be profitable, and that's the problem.

Speaker 1:

I actually recently shared a reel that talks about this doctor who was a neurosurgeon and he realized that the medical system wasn't actually healing people and he quit and like, went hiking on a mountain and made this video about how the only things that you really need to heal are sunlight, to not have stress, to eat a healthy, whole food like real food you know, from the earth, and not processed food diet, and that was basically it.

Speaker 1:

If you can do that and get away from the world, then you can heal your body. And he said you know, when your body heals, it actually heals multiple things at the same time. Like you know, in doing that, you're healing your kidneys and you're healing your back and you're healing all different parts of your body, but you have to step away from what you're doing. You know you can't keep eating Doritos and looking at screens all night and day and never sleeping. Oh, sleep was one of the other things he said. You have to quit that. So you might have to quit and go live on a side of a mountain like this guy in order to do this, but you know he breaks it down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah so let's go back to the beginning so folks can kind of get a good idea of where we started. We started this podcast really because of the inspiration, that kind of. I had my birth with Ben, which was my second child, and I just there was so much spiritual warfare that went on during that and also it was a very redeeming birth for me because I had gotten totally run over by the medical system with the birth of my first and that was kind of the biggest multiple awakenings happening at the same time, right, the medical system, like that veil ripped right open for me. Then the spiritual warfare aspect, like whoa, wait a second, uh, I didn't realize that I was under attack and things were going on. And so when we first started this, you know we introed it and we kind of jumped right into spiritual warfare. So episodes three through man, three through six are really all about what is spiritual warfare and we talk about Genesis six and the Nephilim and the spiritual realm, how demons can influence us. Now we also talk about oppression versus possession and what that means. And then from there we kind of transitioned into talking about birth and how it is a spiritual experience and in episodes eight and nine I shared my experience about having a C-section in the hospital that I didn't need, that I was forced into, and the juxtaposition of going through that to then having a home birth that ended up being totally unassisted aside from my husband, who we now call midwife Mike and our mom was there and from there we go into talking about some of your stories and you had a very similar experience with having hospital births first and C-sections, and so we talk about that and your experience having a bicorniate uterus, what you really learned through these processes about bodily autonomy with your second C-section.

Speaker 1:

And then we had a really exciting guest on. We had Brittany from the Biblical Birth School on the podcast for episode number 12. And she broke down Genesis 3 for us and the misconceptions when people say things like birth is a curse and you're cursed to have horrible births and pain in childbirth. She breaks that down. So definitely check that out. And then we get into kind of some of these conception stories Leah, she shares her very wild but amazing story with trying to conceive and she has since come out with kind of revealing who she is. And she is from the Instagram page Trusting Birth, which is awesome. And then she also has her own podcast as well. Vienna Glenn is her other profile on Instagram and I think her podcast is called the Wise Woman on Instagram and I think her podcast is called the Wise Woman Diaries, I believe, and that is in episode 13. And then one of our good friends had an awesome story about struggling to conceive and then not finding out that she was pregnant until she went to labor.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I didn't know I was pregnant. I was going to say I have to pick one favorite episode that we've done in the past hundred. That one might be my favorite episode is having Evadon to talk about just her miracle, surprise pregnancy. It just is such a cool story. If you are new to the podcast and you haven't listened to that one, what is that one titled?

Speaker 1:

That one is titled. I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant Until I Went Into Labor. Yes, and that's episode 14.

Speaker 2:

Yes, so that one is really cool. That's a cool story Definitely.

Speaker 1:

And then we get into talking about your infertility journey and how you focused on healing and your health and hormones. We talked about miscarriage a little bit. That comes up in episode 16. And then we get into kind of healing the holistic way, as we're starting to talk about some of these issues like infertility and discovering that there are reasons why we may have things going on with our bodies and sometimes I do believe that when it comes to children and babies it is about God's timing. But sometimes we find that there are underlying issues and so we got into a series. This was kind of our first series that we did on women's health, which we did another series on that later on down the road. But we talked about holistic health and we had our awesome and lovely Paula Carper on as a guest for two episodes to talk about women's health and educate us on hormones and toxic diet culture. And then we had Carrie Flanagan on for 20 and 21. She walked us through how the sun can help us heal and how the sun healed her, which was another awesome one. I love those episodes with her. She's amazing.

Speaker 1:

We got into a couple of different episodes as we got towards the end of that year and then that was when we went into some of our most popular episodes, which is with Dr Stu, and he is from the Birthing Instincts Instagram and podcast and he is awesome. He was a OBGYN at our traditional hospital for 13 years before he realized that midwives were having better outcomes than he was and he was like what is up with this? And he started learning from midwives, eventually left the medical system to attend home births and train midwives on how to deliver breech babies, because guess what? Home births and train midwives on how to deliver breech babies Because guess what? Breach is just a variation of normal and his episodes are awesome. One of the things to go listen to if this is something of interest to you is that he addresses husbands. There are a lot of women that I talk to that are like I want to have a home birth but my husband is scared to, that are like I want to have a home birth but my husband is scared. Go listen to Dr Stu's episodes 26 and 27, because he addresses that and he explains it very well how to kind of talk to husbands about the situation. So then we get into a couple of motherhood episodes, talking about being a stay-at-home mom, a working mom. We talk about breastfeeding and those struggles and tips on tongue ties, lip ties and all that good stuff.

Speaker 1:

And then we start to get into some of this biblical stuff because right, it's always been. We're talking about some things that are medical and what we've discovered, because what we have really discovered is how good God is and you share an awesome testimony. Honestly, episodes 32 through let's see 38 are really your testimony about kind of coming back to the Lord after you know, being a Christian as a child and teenager, now being an adult, finding the Lord as a child and teenager, now being an adult, finding the Lord, discovering the feasts and the reasons why you follow and celebrate the feasts. So all of those are in that series of episodes. And then we get into biblical prophecy and that's a really great series that we go through. We also had Jessica Spees on and she is very educated on biblical prophecy. So those are some good ones.

Speaker 1:

And now we're getting into what we talked about before with pharmakia and kind of going into alternative medicine, but really from a God perspective, like how does the Lord want us to heal? What has he given us? Herbal medicine is one of those we had Courtney on from the Tea House Tooth Stare Tea House to share more about herbs with us. Then we got into stuff with Dr Vaughn and we talked about women's health. We got into vaccines and then we did a really fun series. I don't know if people know about or are as excited as we were about it. We wanted to look at holidays from a biblical perspective, so we dove into Halloween, easter and Christmas and kind of just talked about that a little bit. And then came probably the longest miniseries that we had that you weren't even in, because I think this was at the point where you were getting close to having a baby, yeah.

Speaker 1:

So my husband stepped in to do some episodes on marriage. He and I had gone through a class called re-engage, which you went through as well with your husband, and it was fantastic and really inspired us. So episodes 59 through this is long hold on. 59 through 67 are all on marriage, different topics. You know. We talk about intimacy. We talked about understanding yourself, understanding your spouse, resolving conflict, all that good stuff. So marriage series if you want to listen to that, with your husband or without great, go for it. And then you and I were super inspired to talk about birth some more, because we love birth around here. We have talked about birth multiple times now and so, yeah, we'll probably talk about it again. Oh yeah, we're gonna cycle through this again, I'm sure of it. So episode 68 through again. Let's go through this. This is a lot. Do, do, do, do, do, do, do it's. I'm going for so long. Now. 82 are all different birth stories, birth episodes, not even necessarily stories. Some of them are.

Speaker 1:

We had Audrey Ross on. She is amazing. She shares about autonomous birth and she is a traditional kind of like out of the system midwife who is amazing, and she has super great content on her Instagram page as well. She's a joyful birth and we talked about healing birth trauma with Diana from Healing Birth. She was the first person I ever shared my birth story with on her podcast and to have her on here was such a blessing. She was in episode 77 and 76. And, yeah, we just really got into it. We talked about your VBAC story with Haven and having a natural birth after two C-sections and we talk about my third birth story and, yeah, we're just we both had babies last year and we did it's so fun to hear kind of a recap of all of these as like the different life stages we were in and doing this for two years now it's been.

Speaker 1:

Yeah so yeah, it's cool it really is, and that kind of spawned the next series. So we had a birth series and then we had a series on God's design for women's health. We had talked about a little bit about women's health prior and we had also talked about God's design for health, but then we wanted to be more specific and focus on God's design for women's health, because you and I had a bone to pick about birth control first of all, to pick about birth control first of all. So, starting in episodes 83, we talk and give a really honest conversation about hormonal birth control IUD stories and then we talked a bit about beyond birth control and kind of what to look for and marketing strategies that are used to convince us that birth control is needed and kind of unraveling. Feminism was another one that we jumped into and we heard a story about Lindsay who worked at Planned Parenthood and had an experience at Planned Parenthood that totally changed her life. That's episode 88. If you want to check that out, paula returns to talk with us about women's health again and dive even deeper into whole body, nutrition and gut health, and then we talk about a biblical take on body image and self-esteem, and my Rogam story is another one that gets shared, right at episode 92, which was a long time coming.

Speaker 1:

And then now we're getting into the last, very last mini series that we had in the podcast before this episode, which was the hardest one that I have had to record. We have recorded well, I should say me, because you weren't on these episodes and if you had been you would have been in a creek with me. But the episode was on God's goodness and helping, hoping to ignite hope and deepen folks' faith by hearing testimonies. And this series proved to be the most challenging because I personally feel that there was a lot of spiritual warfare because people were sharing testimonies. Whenever you are going to be sharing your testimony, you have to be so prayerful about that, because the enemy will come and try to prevent that from happening. He doesn't want you sharing your testimony about the goodness of God.

Speaker 1:

And what happened in that series is prime example number one. Every single guest canceled and most of them did reschedule. But just the point is that every single person got cold feet of some sort or got derailed, including my own husband who literally got cold feet about it and was like, well, what am I going to say? I don't really have a story to share and I'm like what do you mean? You don't have a story to share? Of course you do, so just it was. It has been an interesting series and I kind of made a joke that like I was ready to be done with the series because it was just so many technical problems and so many like yeah, and I'm like man, I'm ready to go on to something where I can just schedule with Rachel who we're going to fight the devil to record.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I joked that I was going to cancel with you right before.

Speaker 1:

I appreciate that you didn't mess with me either. I was thinking, if she messes with me, I'm going to be so upset.

Speaker 2:

I thought you would. I would never miss episode 100. Who should be here if not me, to celebrate this momentous yeah, milestone? There you go 100 episodes is a big deal. It's been a crazy few years. I'm just a lowly co-host, but you work your butt off for this podcast. You put in countless hours, day and night whether it's recording with someone to editing. You practically never sleep, especially when you have to edit. So this is a lot of work and I'm really proud of you for getting to this point in the podcast. God put it on your heart and you have seen it through and it's. It's a lot of work and I just you know. Thank you for dedicating your so much of yourself and your time into hearing all of our stories, including mine.

Speaker 1:

Well, thank you for saying that. I appreciate it. It definitely there's been a lot of moments where it's hard. There's been a lot of I'm in more of a rhythm where I edit on Sunday nights and on Monday nights I work on the artwork and load everything up and everything. And there have definitely been weeks where I'm like, oh, I have to edit the podcast and I like have to check myself because why I'm like complaining about it? And it's not that I don't love what I'm doing and love hearing these stories, it's that I have to do something technical, right.

Speaker 1:

That's what it's about it's hard work. I have to listen, I'm listening, which it's good that I'm listening back through, but I listened to every word and if there are audio issues, you know editing that and trying to fix whatever has gone awry, which has happened. There have been episodes I think it might've been Dr Stu's episode where I had to manually edit every time, like one microphone was too low or something like that. Every single time that happened because of how we record, so it definitely Every single time that happened because of how we record, so it definitely. There have been moments where, you know, I've been like man, I have to do this work on the editing side, but I know that the Lord is calling me and you, even if you don't know, and I'm just kidding to do this, and the messages that I get from people on Instagram where they're like thank you so much for putting out this episode, thank you for talking about this. That makes it all worth it.

Speaker 1:

And you know our brother actually shared a story with me that there was this guy that was handing out some kind of like pamphlets that were about God and about, you know, becoming a Christian and everything, and he handed them out never knowing if anyone would ever get anything out of it or ever receive Christ, and he died never knowing the you know, never knowing.

Speaker 1:

And so that's the thing that is kind of like are we okay, or am I okay If I never know? If anybody gets anything out of this, I have to be okay with that and my hope is just that listeners are getting something out of it, are getting encouragement, are getting just a word of yeah, you know what this has helped me deepen my faith. Or wow, I didn't know that about demons or the Nephilim. Or oh, I didn't know that about birth control. Or oh, I didn't know that about birth. Thank you for putting out 5 million episodes about birth so that I could learn about physiological birth. So, you know, even if no one ever tells me that, I have to just keep going and know that. But if you want to send me a message, please do, because it is encouraging, yeah it really.

Speaker 2:

I've even gotten a few messages, too, of just people feeling encouraged, and that encourages us to keep going and to keep talking about these things Because you're right like sometimes it could feel like speaking into the vacuum of the podcast world. There's a million podcasts out there, but people are listening and if even one person gets something out of anything that we talk about, that is so worth it, because we're not just talking to each other, we're talking to you, whoever is listening.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean, it's good that we do it for each other too, but we're going to talk to each other anyway, that's actually one of the reasons why this started.

Speaker 2:

That's what I was about to say. I don't know if you remember. I'll never forget I was in a laundromat for the first time in my life because my washing machine broke and I had to do laundry and I talked to you the whole three hours I was at this laundromat and I think I was talking about Nephilim stuff and you were like we should start recording the conversations that we have with each other, because I feel like people will be so fascinated by this stuff. Other people have to think about this stuff too. And then you went on to have your experience giving birth with Ben and all that, and I think that kind of is like the birth of the Radiant Mission podcast. Is you and I talking to each other our entire lives?

Speaker 1:

Gabbing our lives away and then getting totally off track and derailed. So hopefully people like our off the track banter. But speaking of the podcast and where we've been, I want to talk a little bit about where we're going to because I think I know that this has been on my heart to get back to talking about biblical topics. But something in particular really has stuck out to me lately and it's been related to a lot of what I'm seeing about deconstruction and people going through this deconstruction process with their faith, and also people that are saying like I follow Jesus or Yeshua but I don't follow the Bible Bible and I want to talk about those topics and why the Bible is an important part of Yeshua and why it's an important part of Yahweh and just get back to some of the roots of what this podcast is about.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, we talk about a lot of different topics, but I want to talk about the Bible and I want to talk about why people are running away from church and quote religion and what we can do as followers of Yahweh to help and encourage our friends around us that may be experiencing that, or if it's you listening and you've gone through something similar, where you're like you know I love Jesus, but I don't know about this Bible that's written by man. We'll talk about that in future episodes and start to dig a little bit more into theology your episodes and start to dig a little bit more into theology and man. Maybe we'll. Maybe we'll talk a little bit about revelation, because we're living in it.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I'm excited for Bible stuff coming up. That'll, that's always got me worked up. I love talking about the Bible. So, yeah, and I think we also are going to possibly, once we get our stuff together about it, talk about music. Oh yeah, and frequencies, frequencies, exactly, yes, that's going to take a lot of planning because that's a big bigger topic than people realize, but it's very interesting. And I remember having Big bigger topic than people realize, but it's very interesting. And I remember having people mentioning us talking about that when we started this. So that's like two years in the making.

Speaker 2:

And so yeah, that'll, and we're going to talk about homeschooling, so maybe we do a series on homeschooling, yeah, so yeah, we got we got a lot of we got a lot of places to go.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely, definitely, all. So yeah, we got, we got a lot of, we got a lot of to go.

Speaker 2:

yeah, yeah, yeah, definitely, all right, well anything else you want to recap in our recap episode. I mean, I think you really got it all in there. It's, it's 99 episodes yeah, it's been. It's been a really cool experience being a part of this. It's been Well. Thank you for doing it with me. Yeah, thank you for asking me In a laundromat?

Speaker 1:

Well, no, not in a laundromat.

Speaker 2:

But that was later. Yeah, yeah, it's been a really, really cool experience and I also just want to you know any of our guests who have been on the podcast if they listen to like thank every one of you because you are all a part of this podcast as well. Like having every single person's perspective, whether it's sharing a testimony and experience, or just the excerpts that we've had on sharing knowledge and wisdom, just the experts that we've had on sharing knowledge and wisdom, like they're who make the podcast too.

Speaker 2:

I mean you physically make it, because you're the one who does all the work, but we've like hearing you share all 99 episodes and places we've been. It's so cool to hear all the topics that we've covered, and it's because of the guests that we've had that we've been able to talk about all those topics, because you and I can only have gab sessions about this stuff for so long, so it's all of our guests who've made it, and so thank you to everyone who's been on.

Speaker 1:

Yes, thank you to all of our guests, past and future. We're looking forward to it and, man, I think this is the year that we're going to keep growing too. If you're interested in sponsoring the show, give us a shout, because we're ready. We're ready to keep growing and keep doing this and all for the glory of God right, all for his kingdom, and talking about how good God is, and we're excited to keep that going. Absolutely All right.

Speaker 1:

So, thank you all for listening today. Hopefully you learned a little nugget about something we've talked about that maybe you haven't heard if you don't listen to every episode, and you can go back and listen. Of course, I always tell people, though, to start at the beginning, because it grows and develops and stuff, but you may just want a one-off here and there. And, yeah, follow us outside of the podcast on social media Instagram, youtube and Facebook, at the Radiant Mission. And today I'm going to close with Matthew 28, 19 through 20. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I've commanded you, and surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. We are wishing you a radiant week and we'll see you next time. Thanks for listening everyone.

Speaker 2:

Bye, Thanks for listening everyone. Bye Thanks for listening.

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