The Radiant Mission
The Radiant Mission
121. When Darkness Roars: Supernatural Battles & Spiritual Healing w/Jessica
This episode dives deep into the intricate interplay between spiritual warfare, mental health, and the impact of supernatural experiences on our lives. Jessica Avila candidly shares her haunting encounters and miraculous healing journey, urging listeners to consider the spiritual dimensions of their struggles.
• Jessica shares her experience with supernatural sounds and visual phenomena
• Discussion on the isolation felt during spiritual battles
• Exploring the influence of pharmaceuticals on mental health
• The miraculous healing story surrounding Jessica's seizure recovery
• Understanding terminology related to spiritual warfare
• The importance of teaching children about spiritual issues
• Sharing insights about the impact of prayer in protecting families
• Acknowledging the reality of demonic influences in our lives
• Encouragement for listeners to seek help and discern spiritual battles
If you are struggling through similar experiences, remember to reach out for support. God is with you, and there is healing and hope beyond the darkness.
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Hello and welcome to the Radiant Mission podcast. My name is Rebecca Twomey and we are on a mission to encourage and inspire you as you're navigating through this life and with your relationship with Christ. You as you're navigating through this life and with your relationship with Christ. We have been in a series on being countercultural and last week you heard from Jessica Avila and she started to share her testimony and her experiences with the supernatural. Today we are here for part two of that session and she's really going to get into it even deeper and I am going to try my best to even share some video and audio footage that she provided to me. So be sure to check this out on YouTube if you want to see the video.
Rebecca Twomey:Let's get into it. All right. So this is my first time ever adding video with audio externally to one of our shows, so please bear with me. It's not going to be as clean as most shows, but I'm going to pop this up here. This is video footage that Jessica sent me video and audio from her home that she lived in at the time. She mentioned last time and then again we're going to talk about it this time her hearing this lion roaring. So here's clip number one. It sounds a little warbly and whatnot, but let's listen again. And this is not the. Did you hear that? That was a very lion-sounding sounding roar and it gets even more so. Okay, here's another one. Like literally sounds like a lion roaring.
Rebecca Twomey:Now, this video is interesting. It has a lot of the little orbs that she was talking about, seeing, the, you know just things floating around in the camera. And what I find interesting is her little cat or dog is laying on the floor and almost seems bothered by what is going on around him or her. It's kind of like looking around and then gets up, jumps yeah, and it's like I'm out of here. There's nothing there. Yeah, and it's like I'm out of here. There's nothing there. So that that's very interesting and this is what she mentioned last episode that people said, oh, it's just dust on the camera or whatnot. But I find it interesting the way that her little pet was reacting to this, seems uncomfortable with this and you can see there's things floating around there.
Rebecca Twomey:All right now there's another footage of this. I mean it's like coming down in this one. There's lots that you can see here, a lot of things floating around and it almost lights up some of it seems Just a lot of activity happening on this camera on this evening. So super interesting footage. And then this just goes along with Jessica's story and she was feeling these entities and feeling these attacks during this time. So I wanted to share this. This again not something that we have done on this show, but here it is very, very, very interesting stuff. Curious to know anybody's thoughts. If you've experienced this before, something similar, let us know. We going to jump into part two.
Jessica Avila:That's another thing too, and I forgot to share something positive before, because I get in my head with this, because, like I said, this is the first time I'm sharing this and it's tough, it's not an easy thing to talk about. I have not shared this with a lot of people. People are going to hear this and be like wow, because I disappeared off social media for a minute, like I. It made me literally like kind of.
Rebecca Twomey:He was. He was getting his way because he wanted you to be insular. He wanted to isolate you from people. That's how the enemy beats people. That's how he wins is he gets you alone, scares the crap out of you, tortures you and then, for a lot of people, they start to have suicidal ideation and go down that path.
Jessica Avila:Yeah, Like the guy from Lincoln park, uh, lead singer. I mean, he's openly talked about how he had like all these. He couldn't shut his brain off like intrusive thoughts and then he can be suicide, but like that's. I think it was important for me to share this and then I'll tell you what I missed, what I forgot to tell you. It was important for me to share this to kind of get over my fear Plus to talk about it, because that's what's happening and like I'm not a doctor, but one plus one equals two, who knows these prescription drugs that we're all given, like what they're doing to our bodies, what they're doing to us?
Jessica Avila:Drugs that we're all given, like what they're doing to our bodies, what they're doing to us, and that's becoming the excuse is us, as humans, labeling everything because we think we know it all, labeling everything, and then you're looking where you shouldn't be looking, which is to God you know it's and I think he got away with it for a while with me, but then it was, you know, and I think he got away with it for a while with me, but then it was exposed to me very drastically, but after.
Rebecca Twomey:I that's a great point, though I'd love for you to press on that for a second. On the pharmaceutical drug point, so you at some point stopped taking Adderall, like you said right, and you also stopped taking your seizure medication.
Jessica Avila:Yeah, and I also stopped with like the partying, like going out and drinking and taking stuff that was given to me. I stopped that. Yes, I stopped my seizure medicine but prior to me doing that Daniel's fast and I don't know if that was it or if it was just God healing me throughout the end of this attack, because you know, I've heard preachers say that after an attack there's usually a blessing, and that last attack it was pretty scary and pretty severe and I you know it's hard for me to talk about it, but I'm seizure free. I have no seizures. So prior to this, if I was off of my seizure medicine for like two or three days, the minute it was out of my system, I would go into a grand mal seizure, wow All throughout my twenties. So this happens to me I do the Daniels fast.
Jessica Avila:After I'm finished with the Daniels fast, every time I would take my seizure medicine in the morning I would get this like pressing, horrible headache. So then it prompted me to go to my neurologist and my neurologist, randomly, is like it was a new neurologist because the woman who was treating me before quit and he was like you're not even on a therapeutic dose of seizure medicine. I don't even think it's keeping your seizures at bay. And I looked at him like he was crazy, because this is the first time anybody has ever said that to me and I was like what do you mean? He's like your brain scans have no seizure activity whatsoever and your medicine is not high enough at this point to keep the seizures at bay. Stop taking the medicine. And I said why? Because I was scared Like what if I stop and I go into a seizure? And I'm driving Because I was able to maintain my life with seizures and some people aren't.
Jessica Avila:Mine were controlled by medicine and I drove. I had a great career, you know. I was able to function and live my life. It's gone. Wow, it was a pretty big miracle. I remember coming to that doctor's appointment, crying to my husband and saying he healed me, god Jesus.
Rebecca Twomey:He did, he did. That is amazing. I have been studying spiritual warfare quite a bit over the last two years and I recently heard that there is an association between. So I want to differentiate something.
Rebecca Twomey:First, I've talked on the podcast before about and use the words demonic oppression and demonic possession, and I've recently learned from someone who does deliverance ministry she doesn't use those words, but she uses the word demonized that we are being demonized, which I find interesting, and there is some basis in the way that the words translate in the Bible versus when we used words oppression or possession. So she just refers to it as being demonized, but she talks about the 12 strong men of. Basically, if you are going to categorize demons, they get categorized into 12 different types and there are certain things that fall underneath them are the seizures, because seizures are a specific health condition that she mentioned that people that are being demonized experience, and so it's fascinating that it was something that you experienced for nearly over a decade and then, as you got free from these demons, the seizures left you. It was almost it's almost as if that was a symptom of being demonized, of being attacked by the enemy. It's just very interesting the correlation that my brain is like.
Jessica Avila:Whoa, I've heard the term Cause I've, I've. I've spoke to um, what's his name? He's a cop from New York and he now is like a demonologist. But there's a prominent NYPD Catholic police officer who now is retired and it's him and his wife and they go and they help people because he says he gets thousands of cases.
Jessica Avila:Because I just I wanted someone to confirm what I was going through and he said well, it's like, it's an infestation, what you're dealing with. It could be like what is like oppression. You know, wasn't at that extent to where I was yet. But, um, you know we're being attacked and hopefully, yeah, and hopefully that doesn't happen. But I had but, um, you know, and hopefully, yeah, and hopefully that doesn't happen, but I had like things move, my, you know, my, my son, um, I want to say, like before we left Staten Island, we've been here a year Um, his toy like shot across the room, like nothing, you know, going on. And um, you know I prayed afterwards. You know, in Jesus's name, anything that's here, you know, I rebuke you. I would say St Michael's prayer, things like that. But that's something else. That that's where I'm at with everything, because I want to teach my son that this is real and he's five, so I don't know how to navigate that. Yet I have to get some advice on that, because he literally said Mommy, my truck's moving and I'm like it's okay, baby, don't be scared. You know, because there's nothing that pushed it. You know, and it would happen every once in a while and I would wake up in the middle of the night and I would smell like ammonia or sulfur, something you know unpleasant. And when it would happen, I knew.
Jessica Avila:At this point, now I was getting a foundation. I realized there is no other way but Jesus. I can stop looking and stop trying to study or learn about Buddhism or this or that I had stopped going to yoga because I did all of these things. When I tell you I did every single thing that we are being warned about now by people on the internet, I did it, I did it and I have no idea what the door was. But me, me, I think closing anything is by stopping doing it. So now I realize now I'm not doing it, now I'm not participating in it and I want to make sure I raise my son where he has not a fear like an understanding, because I didn't have that foundation. So when all of this happened to me, I was like what's got? What is going on?
Jessica Avila:You know, when I'm still, every once in a while, like I'll get like an intrusive thought, I don't know if it's ever going to stop and I don't know if he, if he, does this to everybody, I have no idea, but I'll still get, you know, a thought or an image where I, like, I know it's not me, it's like a flag, something like that's disturbing because I'm a good human being, so it disturbs me. You know what I'm saying. So I know, and that's where I'm at, we go, we, we are going to church. You know, we're trying to make God really a part of our life and part of this family. Because now I'm at the point, like I have experienced exactly what preachers talk about, that you know, even like um, what's his name?
Jessica Avila:Dan Rehill that I watch all his videos, that he's an exorcist and he's in Nashville, I believe, and he's talking about these experiences and, um, he describes it as what I've gone through. You know, and, um, I think it was the hardest part for me was, like you said, the isolation and feeling like nobody around me is believing me. But I believed in me and I believed in God. I hung on to. This is happening to me for a reason, you know. I don't see it now, but, like God's got a plan and he's going to protect me.
Rebecca Twomey:Yeah, absolutely. I want to go back to what you said about your son and children because, again, we don't have to overcomplicate it, and I worried about that too with my daughter, which our children are about the same age. Brooke's just a little bit younger and it's just prayer, girl, simple prayer. We actually pray before we go to bed at night, because she did start to get a little bit scared at night before she would go to bed. Now, if I don't start praying immediately when the lights go off, she says mommy, can you pray for me? Mommy, can you pray? And the prayer doesn't have to be complicated.
Rebecca Twomey:But I always like to start with gratitude.
Rebecca Twomey:You know, lord, thank you for this day, thank you for the blessings you've given us, thank you for our home, thank you for my beautiful children we start with gratitude and then, as I get towards the end of the prayer, that's when I pray for protection Lord, put a hedge of protection over my children, Put the blood of Jesus over my children.
Rebecca Twomey:And in doing these, in praying this way, she has learned to pray this way and she always prays after I pray and if Mike is there, he'll pray and I'll pray and then she prays. But she's so cute, you know little four-year-old and she will say Lord, thank you for my brother and my sister and my mom and my dad. And you know she'll say about the thing that she did that day and Lord, protect me and put the blood of Jesus over my whole family. And she'll go in every room of this whole house If my mommy's downstairs or up here, wherever she is, with protection and the blood of Jesus over her and I. It just warms my heart that, first of all, she's four and knows how to pray. But I know it's just, you know, you just do it with them and they learn and they they start to understand and she feels peace.
Jessica Avila:Boys, what's that? He gives thanks for his toys. Yeah, we read every night um the children's like a children's children's Bible, he announced. He asks his dad Daddy, will you read me a story from the Bible? Will you read me my Bible? And I love that.
Rebecca Twomey:That's beautiful.
Jessica Avila:Yeah. Do you think that your daughter has like an understanding that like, or she's concerned with spirits? Cause that's, I'm just curious.
Rebecca Twomey:I do, I do spirits, because that's I'm just curious, I do, I do. I think that I I'm unsure if it's because she has seen things that have scared her, like Monsters Inc, which I specifically told my husband I did not want to allow her to watch, and then he did sorry to throw you under the bus, honey, but um, and that did. It introduced her to the concept of monsters, and that's why I didn't want her to watch it, because once a child sees something and is introduced to a concept that they were foreign to before, didn't know, now obviously I know everybody gets exposed to things that you know, whatever point in time in their life. However, I have noticed that ever since she was introduced to the concept that there could be monsters in the closet or under the bed, she now has those fears at night where she'll say something's under the bed or something is in the closet and to me, obviously I know that the monsters in a cartoon are fake.
Rebecca Twomey:What I know is that spiritual demons are real and I'm going to use every tool to protect my child from that actual monster, right, and so that's kind of the lens that I'm going down Now. Whether she feels or senses a real demonic force. I don't know because, again, she's four, but I am assuming she does and that is why I pray the way that I pray over her and rebuke and, you know, loosen, bind anything that's dark, that's in here, that should not be here. We loose, we bind it and we send it to you, jesus, to do what you need to do. So it's, I'm not sure, but I'm going to use the tools that I have been given from the Bible and also from just studying deliverance ministry and studying being demonized and us being demonized, to protect her and, like I said, it's tough, I don't know I'm at that I struggle with, because how do you?
Jessica Avila:you want to tread lightly, because I mean, you know my son's five and like, what do you say? And I, you know, I want I'm going to get advice from my pastor about it how to navigate, because I don't want him to be scared, but I also want to, you know, disinvite whatever's here, like you have to leave. You know what I'm saying and I want him to, um, be comfortable with that, because I mean, I was stunned like shock and awe when all of these things happened to me, and after the last time that it happened, I had post-traumatic stress, like I'm not going to sit here and be like, oh, I'm so tough. This, this didn't rattle my page. I mean it does, because Scary yeah, because you're, you got, you know, we have Jesus. You know what I mean. So he's already lost. You know what I'm saying.
Jessica Avila:But when you're going through that, it's hard because you see me and I don't see you. Like you have the upper hand. You know what I'm saying and you can, you know, make me feel certain emotions or I would, you know, feel wind blowing through or get a flash of an image of something that wasn't true. Like to, you know, like to to push you into its direction. Like all, like when you hear, like priests that are exorcists, or you know pastors that do deliverance I'm not really familiar with that that are exorcists, or you know pastors that do deliverance, I'm not really familiar with that.
Jessica Avila:Talk about the things that these spirits are able to manifest and do to you. They can play with your emotions and if they're watching you to see how you react to certain situations, or if you're in an argument with your husband, you know that stinks and I'm trying to. You know I want to be polite about it. Like that, you know that's intrusive. You know, and you have all this knowledge on me that you can wield. You know, as long as God gives you the authority to do it. You know what I'm saying, but you know it's like it's not a fun.
Rebecca Twomey:It's not a fun feeling it's not, and I think the key here is awareness right, and that's why we wanted to talk about it together is to make other people aware that this is around us, because this and the enemy hates God's creation.
Rebecca Twomey:He hates what God has created and that is humans, that is, families, marriages, so he's going to attack those things positive relationships. So whenever there is discord between, let's say, myself and my husband, or things going on with the kids, or just being run down, things too overwhelming with work, those are the times where we have to be more vigilant and more cautious and more aware of what is going on in the spiritual world around us, because if we've got other stuff going on and we have open doorways for them to enter and to access into us and now that's the other thing is we have the choice whether to allow or not allow. According to his word is what I'm. You know how I'm perceiving this, and I think that that's kind of what you have pointed to too to say I was living in sin, like I was living in, I was doing all of the things of the world, so I had these doorways open.
Rebecca Twomey:But I have also noticed that when trying to seek him, attack can come as well. So it's not so easy to say like, just be perfect and good and you'll never have a problem. That's not how it works. No, I wish you did.
Jessica Avila:I tried. I'm not going to sit in line I tried.
Rebecca Twomey:We do have the Holy Spirit with us to guide us and protect us during those times and honestly, I just think that we need to just become spiritual warriors and have put on his armor, like he tells us, to not have the fear. And that's the thing that I always try to pass on to my daughter. She thinks that I'm afraid of nothing because that's what I tell her. Mommy's not afraid of anything, nothing, and that's the kind of force that we have to have against darkness. Then, when I've heard different deliverance folks talk about casting out demons, for example, they'll say you don't say please, you know, go away. It's like get out. I rebuke you. Yeah, you don't belong here. There's a authority behind it.
Jessica Avila:What's that? You have this great foundation. Like you have tools. You know what I'm saying. I don't.
Rebecca Twomey:And that's the thing I want to pass along is I grew up in the church and I even did not understand or know about this stuff either until I went through it myself, and I think that's how God wakes us up, girl.
Rebecca Twomey:Just like he woke you up.
Jessica Avila:Oh, he dropped kick. I didn't even know how to drop kick and like that's why, at the end of the day, you know that's how it had to be done, and because I didn't even have the foundation and he was still with me and he didn't let you know anything happen to my son and all of these things, and I'm very grateful for that. But you know, there are a lot of people out there that are suffering I can just I can imagine it that are being tortured psychologically Cause that's what it was like. If I could equate it to anything, if you think of like I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy. It was unrelenting he doesn't get tired on whether it was him himself, which I don't know, but it was still malevolent. You know, still part of, you know, the kingdom of darkness. It was unrelenting nonstop, whether it was in one form, whether it was mental, whether it was being woken up, it just it consisted, and I'm sure there are other people going through it.
Jessica Avila:I you know these professionals and priests and they say that they get thousands of emails, thousands of people, and they don't know what to do. Nobody knows, like they don't know how to handle this because I didn't and I was there. I still, you know I I pray, you know I rebuke things, but I still have like experiences of a toy will go off and I just go oh, I'm not in the mood, like well, I've got a list of books a mile long for you.
Rebecca Twomey:I don't know if you saw my recent reel, but I tagged a bunch of them. They definitely are helpful, I think that for myself. So I want to just be clear to everybody. This is not something that I will claim to be an expert on or fully understand. I am coming into understanding of this concept and spiritual warfare myself over the past couple of years, but the Lord is guiding and that's, I think, the key here is we ask him, lead me on down whatever path you want for me, and everyone's path is going to be different.
Jessica Avila:I'm not in control of this.
Rebecca Twomey:I'm not Lead me down a path and he will open these resources. I think someone listening to this episode is an example of a road he's leading somebody down that needs to hear this right now. And for you, he's leading you down your path to understanding of this too, Just like for me, you know, going down picking up all these books, feeling inclined to order these books in the first place. My husband makes fun of me so bad when he another demon book.
Rebecca Twomey:You got to be careful with this stuff, you know he it almost is is weird to him. But now what's interesting is he's been teasing me for months and lately he's the one that's like, hey, check this video out, or check this out, or did you hear this? And so he's starting to now pick up on this stuff and truly understand it too. But I actually had a guest on maybe two months ago or so who invited me to take this class on spiritual warfare, where I learned about being demonized, and it's just another step in the process, right, it's just another door that's opening to understanding these concepts, and so that's what I would. You know, advice I would give to anybody that's listening is ask the Lord to guide your steps, and he will. He always does, he always has. For me, you know, I went from having a hospital birth to having a baby by myself in my bathroom, like amazing and I so respect you for that, because I always wanted to have a hot um, a water birth.
Jessica Avila:My son was 11 pounds and they were like no, and I had to have a C-section and I never even went into labor Like I was like 41 weeks that they told me pregnant, um, but I think it's amazing that you do that. If, if I get blessed with another child, I would love to do that because I was kind of, I was like upset that I didn't get to feel labor pains. It's like you know, it's a stepping stone for a woman Like you go through this, you endure it, you're a warrior, you come out of it and I was like really upset about it and I think it's great that you do this and this whole experience to me. I see God. You know there's been horrors. You know really scary, traumatizing stuff that has happened, but I still see God and that he was with me and he got me through it. And now I'm like that's that's. I'm like fixated, like I want to learn about this, I want to learn about the Bible, because I feel like I'm the person that's breaking the generation.
Rebecca Twomey:There you go, yes.
Jessica Avila:Because my son's going to know don't touch tarot cards, the Zodiac is a bunch of crap. When he's old enough, I will share these stories with him when he can handle it, but I'm going, I'm going to teach him like you, you, you're, you're baptized, you're raised, you know, christian Catholic a combo, because my husband was raised, raised evangelical. So like when I went to churches for the first time, I was like rock and roll, like this is. You know, this is so. I wasn't used to it, but you know the foundation I want my son to know like, ok, you don't do these things. Just because the world is saying that this is OK, you don't do it. You know you don't play with a Ouija board, just don't do it, you know.
Jessica Avila:And even with these things, like I got older and I realized like there were certain things that I was always curious. I always believed in ghosts and spirits and stuff like that. Halloween was my favorite holiday, like my favorite, and now I don't even really want to participate in it. There's just things since my view has changed, that I take a step back and I look at the world and it's like right there in your face, yeah, and you're just so desensitized to it and when you don't believe, because I mean I've had religious people literally like doubt what I was going through.
Jessica Avila:And then I had one priest come to my house after the last time that I was attacked and he was like saying St Michael's prayer with another priest because I had played him the audio of the crowd that I had and I was like shaking in the church. And he came to my house, he was saying Saint Michael's prayer and all of a sudden, like my phone starts ringing and like there's all this noise. My son's, you know little, he's making noise and I was like well, something doesn't, you know, doesn't, doesn't want this or whatever it is. And it solidified my faith because there's so many avenues that you can go and because of these experiences and it being like what other people talk about that are Christian, that's it. There's no other way. Jesus is God and this is real.
Jessica Avila:And unfortunately, our world, we think we know it all and we give people medicine for everything and medicine for all these things that we label Is it really? Is schizophrenia really a you thing? Is it something? Is it a chemical imbalance or you know? Are you being demonically attacked or influenced? And you know I'm not on any medicine and I'm fine, except for, you know, certain toys and things moving like that and like that. There's no prescription for that. You know what I'm saying.
Rebecca Twomey:So like you are bringing up such a great point. I want to actually shout out another podcast real quick. There is a podcast called the Confessionals and episode number 655 is called Following the Voices, and it shook me in a good way. Well, it can be kind of freaky for some people, but the episode is about this. I don't know if he's a psychiatrist or psychologist, whatever the technical, whatever his licensing is. His name was Jerry Marzinski and he was working with schizophrenic patients specifically since you're mentioning schizophrenia again and he did not intend to really find out what he found out. He was just visiting with schizophrenic patients. He worked in a hospital setting and a prison setting with schizophrenia and what he discovered was that the true nature of the voices that people were experiencing were demons.
Rebecca Twomey:It was spiritual people were experiencing were demons. It was spiritual, and he goes into talking about the influence of pharmaceutical companies and how they in some cases, it's like they make it worse or they mute it temporarily.
Rebecca Twomey:But, that at the end of the day, this is a spiritual battle and it wasn't something that he was. Even he was never looking for that. But it was over 15 years of visiting with people that he realized it and he had a very real physical experience with a demonic entity one time that reminds me a lot of your story where he was with this patient and in the room and this entity scratched up the wall, up the ceiling and then fell down into the trash can and you couldn't see anything, but he could hear it moving and the patient was almost like so numb to it because he had been hearing and experiencing being demonized for so long.
Jessica Avila:He didn't even look up and the Jerry was like he was just not paying attention to it because he's so used to having to function that he was just not even he knew it was there, but he just wasn't responding and Jerry was totally freaked out.
Rebecca Twomey:The guy ends up leaving and he kind of left, kind of abruptly. He didn't see him again. I don't know if it was maybe for a month. I'm probably botching this story, so I definitely recommend people listen to it. The next time he saw this guy he said something like you know, why did you leave so abruptly? And he said the voice told me to go back and get a shank, a weapon to kill you, to stab you.
Rebecca Twomey:And so I just left and left the situation and it was like the closer that Jerry was getting to figuring these things out because he was asking questions about it and that's why it was like the closer that Jerry was getting to figuring these things out, because he was asking questions about it and that's why it was freaking out. He was asking questions about the entities. He referred to them, I believe, as parasites during that episode, which was like a really interesting light bulb moment for me. The connection between parasites and entities and demons and you know that's not something that we talk about in America are parasites, supposedly they're like a swarm.
Jessica Avila:I've heard somebody's a person that I guess deals with this say that they're like, it's like a, like a swarm, because they always refer to themselves as we or multiple. I didn't have it, didn't get like like as bad as that, like like when I was going through it, like telling me you know to do anything, but I also didn't listen, I, I would just pray or I would lay and I would cry to God. Please, you know, make this stop, you know.
Rebecca Twomey:And I'm not. It was like you knew enough to know that it was something else right.
Jessica Avila:Yes, I knew it in my soul that this isn't me. I couldn't be convinced that it was me. And then if it was telling me, like steal, if I was in like CVS buying something, I would take it, steal it, blah, blah, blah. I just wouldn't, I wouldn't give in to that, I resisted, I wouldn't give in to it and I would go home and my bed would shake or something crazy, and I would run to my dad, something shaking my bed, and look at me and be like what? Like, have you ever seen the movie it?
Rebecca Twomey:No, I don't watch scary movies, no way.
Jessica Avila:Okay, this was before this. You're a special effects artist, right? So the kids, they're fighting this clown, but the clown is, you know, a demon masquerading as something to scare them. And all the parents in the town are like, looking at the kids, kids, like you don't see the blood, you don't see this, you don't see that. And they're like no, like what are you talking about? Like completely blinded.
Jessica Avila:That was like my experience that you know, everybody that was close to me was just you know it was, it was just me, god and whatever this was, and I think that more people need to speak out. That's why I'm doing this. I didn't want to relive all of this because it's like, but I feel better about it. But I think that more people need to talk about it, to shed light on it, because if this is part of the enemy's plan, like to get us all doped up on drugs that cause all these side effects and poison us, meanwhile he's the culprit. It needs to become more normalized, because right now in society it's not, and you have people like tucker carlson.
Jessica Avila:I just saw him come out and say that he was attacked. He had scratch marks, something made him bleed and it sent him on, while he was sleeping he woke up, scratch marks, blood all over the sheets and he realized I wasn't dreaming, like something just scratched me and he went on a year-long journey of reading the Bible. You got people like Kat Von D, you know, getting rid of all of her witchcraft books and all of her stuff and coming out. You're starting to see people that, yeah, starting to see people that have a following, that are prevalent. You know, with social media they have millions of people and they're talking about this stuff and like, thank God, yes, because there is definitely, you know, there's a lot of people that are going through something in some way and God is in control of all of it, but you know to recognize that.
Rebecca Twomey:Absolutely. I want to touch on the movie thing for a minute, real quick and just like the picture of these horror movies, of these horror movies. Honestly, even the movies that are about exorcisms or that are kind of have this tone to it. Someone is creating these movies, someone is coming up with a plot, someone is coming up with a script. Someone is coming up with this stuff. Where do you think that people come up with this stuff from, and from what resource or from what influence is it from? You know what I'm saying? That's a true story.
Jessica Avila:A lot of times, the Emily Rose one that really happened.
Rebecca Twomey:Yeah, and that's the thing that we should be really also considering in this is what forces are behind some of this stuff. I know, obviously some of the stuff that's really super scary, like you said, are based on true stories of things that have happened to people, but others of it we don't know the torment that other humans are experiencing spiritually. That would influence or cause them to want to make a movie about it. That is quote entertainment, but it's really a reflection of their own spiritual torture that they are going through.
Rebecca Twomey:Yeah, and you know, I've always, always, this is something that I really am great as us too, to make was always very much of the mentality of like be careful what little eyes, what you see, be careful, little ears, what you hear, type of thing. Because she knew that once you saw you can unsee it. And so I was never, like you know, she wouldn't let us watch scary movies or anything like that, and I'm grateful to her because it wasn't something that I sought out. And then, when I was old enough, I just had a bad feeling about some of that stuff and like discernment to stay away from it. Now I would say my sister probably watched a lot more scary stuff than I did, but then she also had a lot more nightmares and problems because of it.
Jessica Avila:Your sister is the reason that I, like had a sigh of relief and I called you up that day rambling on the phone telling you my whole you know what was going on, just because it made me feel like, oh, I'm not alone, you know, and I, like I said, I've heard so many girls intrusive thought after they gave birth and, uh, depression or that I mean.
Rebecca Twomey:I yep, so he's after us. He is after us and, like you said, especially mothers that are in vulnerable, vulnerable positions, about to give birth, just gave birth. He's going to come for us because we are down a bit, we are easier for him to get to us and manipulate us, and I have my own theories on the current medical system and the way that they induce women and push us into labor or push us into C-sections or whatever, and I really do feel like it's an enemy attack on separating us from our babies. And we can recover from know. Brooke was a C-section baby too and it was a very hard thing to go into it, thinking I was going to have this natural birth and then not. We have to come to terms with that.
Rebecca Twomey:But he there's redemption, right. There's always something to learn and something to get. So, anyway, I so have loved talking with you and I hope that you feel good about talking about this, even though it was really scary. I know how scary it was and I appreciate you. So thank you for sharing with us today and anything else that you wanted to pass along to listeners.
Jessica Avila:Just, I don't know. Use your gut, your soul. I feel like God will guide you and if anybody is going through something that is similar to my situation, you know, seek counsel, seek help. Don't quit. God is with you. He will guide you to solutions, to answers, or even get you through it, because there's something probably to learn from it.
Jessica Avila:Like for me, I grew from this experience. Even though it's hard to talk about the negative, there was a lot of good, Like I didn't tell you that after I had seen that shadow, I had went and went to try to get some rest in, like another parking lot at a church and there was a homeless man there and he was from Florida Ironically, we were both from Florida and he asked me if I had eaten and I was like no, I haven't eaten anything. I didn't even know how long it was since I had eaten. And he went into his bag and he took out a whole sleeve of crackers and gave them to me. And I remember being so touched because I was experiencing all of this drama, all of this chaos, all of this harshness from my own family, and this homeless person who had nothing, nothing, gave me food, gave me whatever he had. And then he handed me a King James Bible and said here, maybe this will help you along your journey.
Jessica Avila:And I took it and I still have it and in my head and my heart today, I believe that that was an angel and that was an act of God. You know, God will work and move in everything and he will use whatever you're suffering with, whatever you're going through, and turn it out and make it positive. And I believe that wholeheartedly, 100 percent. You know, and Jesus is the way, the truth, the light, and he loves us. He does love us and he works in each of our lives differently. And I believe that because I needed a shakeup and my life and the plan that God had for me up until this point has been beautiful. It's been wonderful. My little family I'm so thankful for.
Rebecca Twomey:I love that. Thank you so much, jessica. Thank you for joining me and for sharing your story. Thanks, awesome. And thank you everybody for tuning in and being on this journey with us. If you would like to follow along outside the podcast, you can join the mission on Instagram or Facebook at the Radiant Mission, and if you want to watch this in video format, you can find us on YouTube.
Rebecca Twomey:Today we're going to close with Psalm 91, which so funny that this is the verse that you shared with me, because in that podcast episode I mentioned about hearing the voices or following the voices. One of the things that Jerry said was that the demons hated Psalm 91. And that was one passage that could be used to quiet the voices so wild that you shared this with me and you put in there that you've been scared at times and it reminds you that God is with you and that he will protect you and that he's your strength in the darkness, and that I'm the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the Father except through me, and we are wishing you a radiant week. We'll see you next time. Bye everyone, thank you.